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China unveils plans to standardize TCM
北京中科縱橫信息技術研究院      中科視點       時間:2024-8-7

China plans to set up 180 domestic standards on traditional Chinese medicine and 30 international standards by the end of 2026, according to an action plan released by the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Wednesday.

The formulation of harmonized standards will help advance modernization and industrialization of the TCM sector and bolster high-quality development of the TCM industry, said the document.

Prevention, treatment and rehabilitation standards on major diseases, chronic illnesses, infectious diseases and other diseases suitable for being tackled with TCM will be drawn up.

Meanwhile, naming standards and technical guidelines for TCM medical technologies, TCM health management documents for different age groups, norms for TCM pharmaceutical services and other industry standards will also be developed.

According to the administration, China has already drawn up more than 3,000 different types of standards on TCM and established a basic framework of TCM standards system.
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